Zodiac signs

Very often people wonder what the zodiac signs are and how they relate to them. According to many opinions, this is something generalized, not exact, standard, but everything is much deeper. At birth, a person is given a small talisman. Zodiac signs have a close connection with minerals and stones. The main element of astrology is the signs of the zodiac. There are currently twelve of them.

Astrology attributes specific properties to these signs that are used in drawing up horoscopes. Zodiac signs are equal sectors of the celestial sphere, the name comes from the zodiac constellations. The initial sign is Aries, the countdown begins at the end of March, when the spring equinox arrives.


In astrology, it is believed that the position of the Moon, Sun, planets, celestial objects in the zodiac signs adjusts with events on our earth. To put it simply, the position of the planets influences various kinds of events that happen in our lives. The character and fate of a person is reflected in the astrological chart, which we have the opportunity to read and even prevent unpleasant events. Fate adjustments help to make natural stones. Stones, like the signs of the zodiac, are associated with space. The connection between stones and zodiac signs dates back to ancient times. There is no consensus among astrologers about the distribution of stones according to zodiac signs; they differ among different nations.

The German occultist and alchemist Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535) created a system by which an astrological connection was established between the zodiac constellations and stones. The system formed the basis of all modern tables of stones and zodiac signs, each of which has several patron stones. Stones are also considered to be associated with the planets (like the signs of the Zodiac), and are conductors of their properties. Thanks to this, a person can really find his stone - a talisman that will protect him from various troubles and bad weather, attracting happiness, prosperity, good luck and other positive events into the life of its owner.

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