twins (May 22 – June 21)

Refers to air. In astrology, Twins is associated with duality and variability, which reflects their characteristic traits. People born under this sign usually have a brilliant intellect and wit. They quickly adapt to change and assimilate new information. Geminis also have a social streak. They are sociable and social, which makes them excellent communicators and leaders. People born under this sign have a keen intuitive sense and can quickly distinguish between deception and lies. They have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, which helps them achieve their goals. Geminis often have many interests and talents, which allows them to successfully adapt to different areas of life.
In ancient Greek mythology, Gemini was associated with the gods Castor and Pollux. However, the story about them differs slightly in different sources. According to one version, Castor and Pollux were the sons of Zeus and Leda, and these gods fought alongside the Greeks in the Trojan War. According to another version, they were mortal brothers and legendary heroes. In both cases, the story of Castor and Pollux symbolizes a close bond and a strong friendship in which each brother was willing to sacrifice his life for the other.

We will help you select stones, DZI, and symbols individually.
Perfectly protects health and gives peace of mind. Physical energy and energetic power. Harmony in soul and body. Money stone. Helps you achieve your plans and achieve triumphant victories.
Lots of light, warm and soulful energy. Will preserve and protect the family from external toxic attacks. Helps eliminate fears and anxious feelings. Will cheer you up. Attracts good luck. It will add self-confidence to the owner.
Attracts attention and good luck. Suitable for people who love risk. Increases your thirst for knowledge. It will help you choose a more profitable business. Loyalty. With this stone you will not waste your energy.
Money stone. You can not only wear jewelry, but also have a stone on your desktop. Cleans and energizes the room very well. Adds confidence in yourself and your strengths, gives you intuition. Balances and stabilizes energy.
The main aspect when choosing jewelry is its beauty for you. Stones, symbols, DZI must be liked. We recommend choosing jewelry intuitively or upon request.
Stones most suitable for Twins:
Develops extrasensory abilities and intuition. The stone will help you feel your connection with the cosmos, reunification with nature. Stabilizes a person, helps to find support, to stand firmly on his own two feet. Helps you see the invisible. Perfect for magical rituals.
A stone of family, it brings more warmth and comfort. Helps establish contact with children. Protects against negative energy and dark forces.
Brings strength and self-confidence to Taurus. Helps overcome stress, creates protective energy barriers and helps in achieving sustainability in life. Protects you from conflicts and people who are negatively disposed towards you. Will save the family.
Transforms negative energy into positive. Protection and amulet for health. Helps you find your loved one. Protects relationships from failures, litter, scandals and restores harmony. Protects against physical and emotional harm.

What stones should Twins not wear:
- Diamond
- Ruby
- Hematite
- Morion

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