Capricorn (December 23 – January 20)

The history of the Capricorn zodiac sign goes back centuries and is associated with the mythology of different cultures. In ancient Greek mythology, Capricorn was associated with the hero Amalthea, the goat who nursed the infant Zeus, the future chief god of Olympus. In Roman mythology, this sign is associated with Faunk Pan, a half-man, half-goat who symbolized nature and brought people into harmony with their environment.
The meaning of the Capricorn sign must also take into account its symbolism. The goat is a symbol of endurance, determination and perseverance. People born under the sign of Capricorn usually have high self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. They strive to achieve high goals, often choosing a straight and difficult road to achieve this. Capricorn is an Earth sign, which adds practicality and stability to it. People born under the sign of Capricorn are often reliable and cautious. They have organized thinking and good management skills, which makes them indispensable in practical matters.
However, the sign of Capricorn can also show its negative traits. People of this sign may be prone to constant anxiety and unnecessary fears. Their incessant pursuit of achieving high standards can sometimes lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and inferiority.

We will help you select stones, DZI, and symbols individually.
Perfectly protects health and gives peace of mind. Physical energy and energetic power. Harmony in soul and body. Money stone. Helps you achieve your plans and achieve triumphant victories.
Stone of health, energy, longevity. Develops intuition and helps you make correct decisions. Moving up the career ladder, successful business. Removes quarrels and conflicts from the owner.
Stone of purification and peace. It will help you get into a working mood. Cope with depression and stress. Great for meditation. Develops empathy and compassion for people. Helps you find yourself in life.
Stone of love and family. Protects from ill-wishers, envious people, vicious paths, and betrayal. Teaches love. Helps you meet your loved one. Reveals femininity and tenderness. Helps to establish contact with children from an early age.
The main aspect when choosing jewelry is its beauty for you. Stones, symbols, DZI must be liked. We recommend choosing jewelry intuitively or upon request.
Stones most suitable for Capricorn:
Stone of protection from all negativity. Helps to “kick out” bad people without consequences for the owner. Protects on the road and flights. Helps cope with fear and irritation. While this stone is on you, the whole family is protected (the stone extends its effect not only to the owner).
Stone of protection and knowledge. It makes it easier to gain knowledge and new skills. Develops mental acuity and eloquence. It will help you get out of difficult life situations with ease. Teaches you to take care and respect your personal time and not waste it.
cat's eye
Brings strength and self-confidence to Taurus. Helps overcome stress, creates protective energy barriers and helps in achieving sustainability in life. Protects you from conflicts and people who are negatively disposed towards you. Will save the family.
Stone of strength and success. Financial well-being. Energy of light and determination to take action. Teaches you to see the beauty around you. Calms the mind and helps you relax.

What stones should Capricorn not wear:

- Aventurine
- Turquoise
- Sapphire

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